Threadbenders Quilt Shop

Threadbenders Quilt Shop
Threadbenders Quilt Shop

Sunday, January 26, 2014

What Makes a Quilt a Modern Quilt?

We've talked a little on our Facebook page about what makes a quilt a "modern quilt."

Modern quilts have taken the quilt world by storm. The Modern Quilt Guild community is the fastest growing segment of the quilt world right now.

Why is that?

Because it's got some great ideas and attitudes about quilting. Here's some of what makes modern quilting special.

Keep it simple. 
Modern quilts tend towards simple easily achievable patterns. But make no mistake. They're lovely without being complicated

Make it big.
It's really fun to take an ordinary quilt square and blow it up into a whole big quilt. And it's showy as get out.

Don't be afraid to go wonky.
Straight seams are not a necessity. Nor are squared corners, even sides or straight sashing. It get's much more exciting to see things out of line.

Use wild colors.
Wild bold colors are all OK and experimentation is in.

Don't be stuck on rules.
If you walk out side the box there are so many cool things you can try.

Are these rules new? Sorry. No, they're not. The quilt world has it's stiff upper lip quilt police but there are always those of us who have resisted that nonsense. We make rules about life and death things like traffic control. Not about what is "right or wrong about a quilt."Breaking rules is how quilting has always grown.

But the fresh air  from the modern quilt movement is a delight.  And a very fun approach to quilting.

Threadbenders sponsers the Michiana Modern Quilt Guild every 1st Thursday of the month for an evening meeting. Come join them and see what modern quilting is all about.

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