Threadbenders Quilt Shop

Threadbenders Quilt Shop
Threadbenders Quilt Shop

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Henry's Find the Fabric Game

We don't often leave Henry alone. It's just not a good idea. Besides he likes having his people around and we love him.

But there are other reasons.

If you leave him for extended periods of time, he rearranges the store.  

We know Henry is a secret fabricaholic. And he has the best taste. He helps people with their fabric choices daily. But when he gets bored with nothing to do but look at snow....

Suffice it to say Henry rearranged the fabric completely over the last week. We're still looking for things. They're all there. They're just not where we left them.

So come over and help us find the fabric! Who knows. You might just discover your next quilt? And maybe you can get Henry to tell us where he put everything.

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